Industrial Sof is a software developement and web design company. We are located in Montreal, Canada, but we can serve you wherever you are in the world.
Industrial Soft creates custom software applications that are designed specifficaly to fit your company. At the moment we offer the following products and services
Foundry and Forging Directory

Casting & Forging Directory 6.0 for all Windows versions is the only source of company contact information for worldwide foundries and forging companies. This new version of the software comes optional with eBook version of casting and forging directory and a new software module, Forging Directory. The software provides virtually instant access to over 9.000 foundries, foundry equipment, foundry suppliers and forging companies.
Ingot Mold Design and
Solification Simulation

By the simulation service and A-segregations we check if the ingot size, shape and the chemical composition of your steel allows you to have a forging product free of segregation and homogeneous mechanical properties.
A-segregations prediction module, based on the mechanism proposed by K.Suzuki and T.Miyamoto from Japan Steel Works Ltd. and developed by Industrial Soft is employed with solidification software SimCADE v.2.0 in this numerical analysis.